Weed Hangover

Many people prefer to take weed to avoid hangovers, especially alcohol hangovers. However, it is also possible to experience a weed hangover, although weed hangover symptoms differ from alcohol. Furthermore, you can make a case that people rarely experience weed hangovers. Nevertheless, consuming weed can trigger weed hangover symptoms that are felt the next day by weed users.

Perhaps you have strange symptoms or weed shakes after smoking weed or suffering from a weed hangover. Then this guide is put together for you, which discusses everything you need to know about weed hangovers and overcoming hangover symptoms.

What is a weed hangover?

Generally, drug or alcohol hangovers occur when one takes these substances beyond one’s limit. Similarly, you will experience a weed hangover when you go overboard with THC consumption; thus, your body displays adverse effects that leave you uncomfortable.


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Usually, the severity of the adverse effects your body may experience depends on your tolerance, body chemistry, and quantity of THC and cannabis strain type consumed. For example, cannabis strains with high THC percentages make it more likely for you to experience adverse effects of cannabis and, subsequently, a cannabis hangover.

Why do people get hangovers?

The answer is simple: people get hangovers when they overconsume cannabis, especially strains with more than 20% THC. THC is the active compound in cannabis that typically induces a high psychoactive sensation in people. So, excessive intake of THC through marijuana or cannabis products leads to marijuana hangovers.

weed hangover THC


Furthermore, edibles metabolize slowly and may remain active in your body the following day. Therefore, how often you consume edibles also influences your likelihood of experiencing a marijuana hangover. For example, daily use of edibles makes you more susceptible to accumulated THC, especially when you do not give your body enough time to eliminate THC metabolites. Thus, you are more likely to experience a hangover when you ingest edibles compared to other methods of using marijuana, such as vaping, smoking, and dabbing.

Similarly, an unhealthy lifestyle may cause a marijuana hangover. For instance, a marijuana user who takes a poor diet and doesn’t do exercises is likely to feel sick after a night of ingesting or smoking marijuana. Therefore, living healthy is vital to keep marijuana hangover at bay.

What are weed hangover symptoms?

It is natural for people to hate hangovers, especially alcohol hangovers, because they are usually more severe and dehydrate the body and, consequently, expose the liver to harm. Therefore, seeking relief or escape from alcohol hangovers is one primary reason people switch to weed.

Perhaps you are asking: what does hangover feel like? Weed hangovers are milder and more tolerable than alcohol because they do not cause dehydration. So, if you have had an alcohol hangover before, you have experienced a worse situation than you would experience with a weed hangover. Listed below are likely symptoms of a weed hangover.

  • Lethargy
  • Fatigue
  • Dull, persistent headache
  • Mild nausea
  • Mind or brain fog and inability to focus
  • Lingering sensation of being high
  • Itchy, dry eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Sensitivity to loud noises and bright lights

How long does a weed hangover last?

Depending on the user’s tolerance level, hangover symptoms can start anytime within 6 – 24 hours of taking weed. Furthermore, research reports that the effects of a weed hangover can last for at least one day after use, and subtle effects can persist for as long as one month in adolescents.

Scientific explanation of a cannabis hangover

A few research with large sample sizes exists on this subject. However, researchers have proved that Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the active compound in cannabis that induces a high psychoactive sensation in people. However, there is little or no scientific proof to back up why THC makes people feel adverse symptoms the next day after taking weed.

A study conducted in 2017 reports that people stated that they once experienced brain fogginess and non-alert feelings the following day after taking weed. Similarly, a 2019 review that assessed results from 19 other studies on cannabis and its after-use effects reported some adverse effects recorded in people ranging from impaired control to physical pain and memory loss. In addition, some other studies reveal that smoking cannabis can lead to daytime fatigue, feeling miserable, and irritability the next day after smoking.

How to prevent hangover

As the popular saying “prevention is better than cure.” Isn’t it? As sickly as hangover symptoms can be, they can be prevented or avoided, and prevention is the best weed cure hangover. You will find below how to prevent weed hangovers.

  1. Understand your limits: Can it get any easier than understanding and adhering to your intake limits? No, it can’t because moderation is the best way to prevent weed hangovers, especially if you cannot practice abstinence. Therefore, knowing and honoring your body’s boundaries will keep hangovers at bay.
  2. Take days off: It can be challenging to stay away from weed for a few days. However, you will prevent a weed hangover if you choose to avoid daily or near-daily use of weed.
  3. Avoid edibles: With edibles, you are more likely to experience weed hangover symptoms because of the effects of accumulated THC on the body. Thus, smoking weed is better than taking edibles to avoid hangovers.
  4. Avoid strains with higher THC content: If you notice that you are sensitive to THC effects, you should stick to cannabis strains with lower THC. Furthermore, you can mix a strain with high CBD content with another with high THC content. The goal of combining these two types of strains is to balance THC effects with CBD and, thus, prevent a hangover. For example, it is recommended to use CBD oil with a strain rich in THC.
  5. Don’t take weed with another drug or substance: You may be doing yourself more harm by taking weed with other drugs or substances like tobacco and alcohol because these can make more intense weed’s after-use effects.

How to get sober from weed fast

Weed hangovers are mild, but we cannot shy away from the fact that some people usually experience more discomfort compared to others. Nevertheless, if you have ever woken up with any weed hangover symptom, the first thing that will come to your mind is a hangover headache cure or how to recover from edibles if you took too much of them. Isn’t it? Yes. Find below how you can deal with and cure weed hangovers.

  • Healthy eating: Eating healthy is an effective way to recover from a hangover, especially taking a balanced and nutritious breakfast the morning after taking weed. For example, eat meals rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals and healthy fat. You can also try green teas, ginger drinks, and lemons and honey in water.
  • Stay hydrated: Taking enough water is necessary to help reverse hydration, and it is the best way to deal with weed hangovers. Thus, staying hydrated before, during and after weed use can help you lessen dry eyes and mouth and headache symptoms.
  • Get rest: You may have to listen to your body if it’s demanding rest or sleep. Sleeping is excellent in this state because it affords you space or time to recover your senses and heal naturally.
  • Caffeine: It’s tricky with caffeine because you can increase your alertness or reduce sleepiness with caffeinated beverages or coffee. However, it can also worsen body dehydration. So, it would be best if you found a balance.
  • CBD intake: Since high THC intake causes hangover symptoms, taking CBD strains or products can help you counteract the symptoms. Furthermore, you can also apply CBD oils on your body parts where you are experiencing discomfort.
  • Pain relievers: If you have prolonged physical pains and headaches, you may want to use pain relievers.
  • Try detox pills ( such as Toxin Rid) and detox drinks ( e.g.Mega Clean). The manufacturer promised that it starts working in 5 hours. Also, there are remedies that appropriate for heavy users (Toxin Rid 10-day detox pills )


You can be easily addicted to and dependent on weed or other THC products. If this is the case, you may become susceptible to weed hangovers, although they are not as severe as alcohol. However, having consistent hangovers is a sign that you are overdosing with THC, and it may be necessary to consult a doctor for help.

Weed hangovers are preventable, and you may find it challenging to cure hangover symptoms. So, why not follow the tips for preventing a weed hangover in this guide? Lastly, different people have different cannabis tolerance, so you need not compare yourself with another. Therefore, you must understand and adhere to your body limit.